IPL laser hair removal Perth


IPL Laser Hair Removal Perth

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Laser Hair Removal removes or reduces unwanted hair.

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What is IPL Laser Hair Removal?

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Laser Hair Removal is a cost-effective way to almost permanently reduce unwanted facial or body hair. The wavelength, exposure duration and energy levels are chosen to selectively damage targeted hair follicles (and unwanted skin spots) with minimal damage to the surrounding tissue.

IPL and Laser Hair Removal Perth can permanently reduce excess hair growth by up to 80% on different skin types. It is impossible to achieve full permanent hair removal. We are one of Perth’s full-time laser hair removal clinics.

Common names

Laser Hair Removal, Epilation, Intense Pulsed Light, Hair Reduction

Targeted areas

Unwanted or excessive facial or body hair growth

Procedure Information

Procedure Type

Non Surgical

How much does IPL Laser Hair Removal Cost?

From $59


Permanent hair reduction


Almost permanent reduction after 4-8 treatments. Patients may require an annual top-up session.

Recovery Time

No recovery time is required for this treatment.

Treatable Areas

Arms (full or half), Back, Beard, Bikini, Brazilian, Chest, Chin, Feet, Leg (half or full), Lip, Neck (front or back), Nipples, Shoulders, Toes, Underarms.

Introducing Diolaze XL Hair Removal

For those seeking an advanced, comfortable, and fast laser hair removal option, we also offer Diolaze XL by INMODE.

This cutting-edge laser hair removal handpiece is part of the Optimas Max platform.

Benefits of Diolaze XL Hair Removal

  • Fewer sessions required: Faster results compared to traditional methods.
  • Built-in cooling: Sapphire cooling tip ensures patient comfort and safety during treatment.
  • Powerful and effective: Targets even the most stubborn hair.
  • Safe for all skin types: Including darker skin tones (Skin Type IV).

Why Choose Diolaze XL Hair Removal?

DiolazeXL is an advanced laser hair removal procedure that effectively and gently eliminates unwanted hair. DiolazeXL has one of the largest treatment spot sizes, making treatments convenient and fast. Unlike traditional methods (waxing, shaving, bleaching or using depilatory creams), DiolazeXL laser hair removal impacts the root of the problem, targeting even the most stubborn hair.

  • Diolaze XL Hair Removal Treatment Areas:

    DiolazeXL can be safely used on most areas of the body that have unwanted hair. Most commonly treated areas include

    • Upper arms and forearms
    • Back
    • Bikini area
    • Chest
    • Chin and neck
    • Legs
    • Sideburns
    • Shoulders
    • Stomach
  • Diolaze XL Hair Removal Sessions:

    Diolaze XL treats the hair follicles faster than other laser therapy treatments and can be completed in 4–6 sessions. Smaller areas, like the upper lip, can be treated in minutes, and multiple areas of the body can be treated in a single session.

  • Diolaze XL Hair Removal Cost:

    From $89

How does IPL Laser Hair Removal work?

IPL (intense pulsed light) is absorbed by the hair follicles, resulting in their heating. The hair follicles are damaged by the heat which results in permanent hair reduction. It’s important to stop waxing, epilating or plucking before you start your IPL treatment, as the hair must be growing in the follicle for it to be successfully heated and damaged.

It’s necessary to shave or clip the hair shortly prior to your treatment, we usually recommend the day before the appointment.

Who is a good candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

Clinical results have shown that a combination of dark hair and light skin produces the most successful results. Patients with darker skin types or lighter-coloured hair can also be treated but may require more treatments than average, as the machine settings must be reduced for their safety. Unfortunately, blonde and grey hairs cannot be detected by the light, and their results are variable.

Prior to treatment, we ask all patients to attend a consultation to ensure that they are suitable candidates for IPL Hair Removal.

Are all IPL Hair Removal machines the same?

No, IPL machines are not made equal. Some are much stronger than others. You will often see advertising for ‘Medical Grade IPL’ or ‘Medical Grade Laser’, this means that the IPL or laser machine has the ability to be turned up to Doctor Only settings. If you wish to have the settings turned up to Doctor Strength or if you would like Doctor supervised settings please ask about this at your initial consultation.

Are the results permanent?

It is recommended that you have a top-up treatment every 6-12 months. This is the same advice regardless if you have IPL or Laser Treatment.

How long will each IPL session take?

This depends on the size of the treatment area. A small area like upper lip may take 15 minutes but a large area, such as full leg or back, will take much longer.

What happens during your Perth IPL Laser Hair Removal treatment?

At the time of treatment, a cooling gel and a hand-held treatment unit are gently applied to your skin. Each pulse of light to the skin can disable hundreds of hair follicles simultaneously. When the gel is removed, much of the hair is wiped off with it and the remaining hair in the treated area falls out within a week or two.

Is IPL Hair Removal the same as Laser Hair Removal?

IPL Hair Removal and Laser work on the same principle of light damaging the hair follicle. The main difference between IPL and Perth Laser Hair Removal is the wavelength used. IPL uses of spectrum light source it emits light at multiple wavelengths, whereas laser emits one single wavelength.

At Absolute Cosmetic, we have trialled and tested both Laser and IPL and have found that they are two different modalities to get to the same result. The results of IPL and Laser Hair Removal are the same; both offer almost permanent hair reduction.

Why choose Absolute Cosmetic for your Perth treatment?

  • Our IPL machines are medical-grade 
  • Doctor settings are available after a consultation with one of our Doctors
  • We have more than 20 years of experience with medical IPL
  • Dr. Murray, our Medical Director joint owned the first IPL machine in Perth, and was a lecturer in IPL, laser and an advisor to the cosmetic society and Arpansa on machine safety

How do I prepare for IPL Hair Removal?

You must not have any fake tan on the skin at your appointment. We recommend not using fake tan for 2 weeks before the appointment. If you come to your appointment with fake tan on the treatment area, we will be unable to treat you.

The skin should be clean and clear of deodorant and creams, and avoid using creams containing Vitamin A or Retinol before your appointment.

You must not pluck, epilate or wax for 6 weeks prior to your IPL treatment, to allow the hair to go through a full hair growth cycle.

You can shave the area during this time, and you should shave the area the day before the appointment.

Is there any required aftercare?

You’ll generally experience minimal discomfort after treatment; however, some patients can experience some tenderness, swelling or discomfort. This can be relieved by applying ice to the area.

Aftercare instructions should be strictly followed. Usually, this involves the use of an ice pack for 30 minutes to 1 hour post-treatment and avoiding direct sunlight.

If you are prone to ingrown hairs it may help if you exfoliate the area 2-3 times per week. Avoid exfoliating the area for 48 hours after the treatment.

After your treatment, your dermal therapist will apply an aftercare cream. We do not require that you purchase an expensive ‘aftercare pack’ of post-treatment skin care. There are no hidden costs in our hair removal procedures.

Avoid vigorous exercise for 24-hours after your appointment.

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Dr. Glenn Murray (AHPRA Registration MED0001196978) Registered Medical Practitioner, Specialist General Practitioner (specialist registration in general practice). General disclaimer: Patient... outcomes can vary due to factors such as genetics, diet, age, exercise, lifestyle, weight, and overall health. It’s essential to understand that all invasive surgeries come with inherent risks and require a recovery period and specific care regimen. Detailed information regarding surgical risks and complications is available here, but it is advisable to conduct thorough research and obtain a second opinion to ensure you are able to make an informed decision. Please note that the information provided is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice or establish a doctor-patient relationship. For real patient images, please visit our Before and After page. Please be advised that surgical outcomes vary, from patient to patient, and comprehensive research is crucial before making any decisions. This website contains imagery which is only suitable for audiences 18+.

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